Blake Surina grew up in Tacoma, and while attending Stadium High School made the decision to become an Exercise Physiologist. That goal never changed, earning the outstanding student of his program at Western Washington University, attaining All-American honors as a decathlete, and working as the Administrative Assistant for the Sports Medicine Division of the United States Olympic Training Center.
Other sports included Two National Championships in Team Handball, Numerous National Championships in Track and Field, World Masters Championship in Volleyball, and Masters American record holder in the Scottish Highland Games.
Later he earned certifications as respiratory therapist and pulmonary function technologist, and worked 5 years as a cardiac rehabilitation professional and reviewer for the American Journal of Cardiology. In 1987 the Fircrest community proposed and helped to finance the Exercise Science Center, to provide exercise and testing services to the cities special needs populations. Ongoing research has created a database of nearly 30,000 assessments, numerous patents including metabolic algorithms for drug dosing and allometric scaling of physical performance. Other patents include hydration monitoring technology for the military and for Coca Cola.
Paying it forward, Blake was elected to Fircrest City Council, while simultaneously acquiring a graduate degree in Hospital Administration at the University of Puget Sound. Over the last 20 years, numerous research studies and grants on health and fitness parameters for local fire fighters, police officers, and public utility workers have also been performed. More recently, the United States Surgeon General suggested his life-saving patented allometric scaling algorithms for dosing anti-malarial medications.