King County Medical Responder

The physical assessment will take place by the Exercise Science Center of Fircrest, Washington. The assessment will have a total of 17 separate components, divided into three distinct sections: Cardiorespiratory, Flexibility and Strength.

Each component of fitness will attain a grade from A to F, where A=4.00, B=3.00, C=2.00, D=1.00, and F=0.00. A Total Fitness GPA of 2.00 or above tells the employer that this candidates fitness is above average for a healthy American of that age and sex. A breakdown of the individual components of Cardiorespiratory, Flexibility, and Strength components lets the Candidate and the Training Officer know areas of strength and areas of concern.

Cardiorespiratory Assessment: This section 4 separate assessments will be employed, and will comprise 40% of the candidates total Grade Point Average.

1) The subjects body composition will be computed using population specific equations. A skinfold caliper will be used by an experienced exercise physiologist, to determine your percentage of body fat.

2) An aerobic assessment will be performed on a bicycle ergometer. The candidate will pedal at 50 RPM for three stages of two minutes each. At the end of the last workload, the candidates heart rate and workload will be recorded. Scoring will be scaled based upon the subjects body weight, and converted into oxygen consumption, which has a direct relationship to the work performed.

3) A pulmonary function examination will be performed to identify potential issues with restrictive or obstructive lung disease. The assessment will be performed by a licensed pulmonary function technologist, and will be designed to look at the size of the lungs, (Forced Vital Capacity), and the size of the airways, (Forced Expiratory Volume in 1.0 second).

Flexibility: Five separate measurements will be performed and will comprise 20% of the candidates total Grade Point Average. The assessment will be performed by an experienced exercise physiologist, using a Leightons Flexometer which measures degrees of movement.. Areas to be measured will include: 1) Lower back and hamstrings, 2) Upper back, 3) Lateral (side to side) flexibility of the spine, 4) Hips, and 5) Shoulders. Each individual range of motion will be weighted equally.

Selected Ranges of Motion

Strength: The final component will assess strength of large muscle groups, involving multi-joint movements. This section will comprise 40% of the subjects total score. Exercise to be evaluated will be: Bench Press, Squat, Pulldown, and Shoulder Press. *Candidates must squat a minimum of 100 lbs.

For each exercise the candidate will be scored on a combination of an absolute scale, (compared to a person of your age and sex), and a relative scale, (what percentage of you body weight lifted compared to a person of your age and sex). A total of eight separate grades will be scored.

Total Grade Point Average:

Cardiorespiratory: (40%)

Flexiblity: (20%)

Strength: (40%)

Total Fitness GPA: (100%) >2.00 GPA